- Lighting Designer

Pallas Theatre Collective

Performed at
Trinidad Theatre @ 
Logan Fringe Arts Space

Oct 5 - 15, 2017

Clare Shaffer

Assistant Director:
Christine Callsen

Music Director:
Alex Thompson

Choreographer /
Props Designer:
Pauline Lamb

Lighting Designer:
E-hui Woo

Sound Designer:
Reid May

Costume Designer:
Joan Lawrence

Stage Manager:
Caelan Tietze

Tracey Chessum

Line Producer:
Zach Brewster-Geisz


Teresa Castracane Photography


"Lighting designer E-hui Woo creates an eerie carnival atmosphere and makes the most of the minimal lighting inventory in the Trinidad Theatre at the Logan Fringe Arts Space."

"As presented by Pallas Theatre Collective, Assassins is one of those shows that is expertly executed by everyone involved"

"this jarring and thought-provoking musical might be exactly what the nation needs to put the wheels of change spinning in motion"

"To assist with articulating emotions [...] Lighting Designer E-hui Woo focuses on using the colored lights of a faire, and honing them into the emotional flavor of each moment. This is most noteworthy during “Unworthy of your Love” where the “Squeaky” Fromme character is lit in a toxic purplish pink, symbolizing how she’s punch drunk on the Kool-Aid love of Charlie, and John Hinckley is lit in a moody dysthymic teal, readily reflecting the blues and despair he feels while singing that number."

"The carnivalesque quotient of this choice pays off enormously in pleasure. Choreographer Pauline Lamb’s dance moves bring an infectious energy. Lighting Designer E-hui Woo creates beautifully moving effects during songs. And Sound Designer Reid May injects a variety of gunshots"